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Kings Island


ITo Celebrate the Summer, we are having a Raffle of some great summer prizes. To Kick off we have two tickets to Kings Island Amusement Park in Cincinnati, Oh. An entire day of fun at one of the world's largest amusement parks. 


Visit Kings

to discover all the fun that awaits you!


Enter our drawing for just $1.00 per chance.  Multiple chances can also be purchased, just purchase the number of chances you want, and you'll be entered that many times. (example, paying $10, will get you 10 raffle opportunities.  We accept paypal payments, don't have a paypal account? You can also pay with your Visa or Mastercard. 


Don't forget to provide your contact information. The winner will be notified through email, and we will post the winner to this website. 


Drawing takes places Friday July 11, 2014.



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